published: 10th of September 2023
I have wanted to give VyOS a try for my home lab routing/firewall for some time. I have a Proxmox cluster to host all my VMs, and ideally, I would like to run VyOS as a VM.
Proxmox support qemu images, but the VyOS project only provides pre-built images to subscribers. Luckily, they make it pretty easy to build your own images and in this post, I will show you how to build a VyOS Qemu image.
The following software versions were used in this post.
To build the image, I deployed a new Debian 12 (Bookworm) VM. There are a couple of pre-flight steps required before we can build our VyOS Qemu image.
VyOS IOS's are built at least once a day from the current git branch and are availalable here
Use curl to download the desired ISO to the build VM.
curl -OL
Install PIP for Python3 as we will use this to install Ansible.
sudo apt install -y python3-pip
The ansible version 7.3.0+dfsg-1 from apt fails with the following error:
TASK [install-grub : Mount and bind /dev /proc /sys and /mnt/wroot/boot to /mnt/inst_root] *****************************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Unsupported parameters for (ansible.legacy.command) module: warn. Supported parameters include: _raw_params, _uses_shell, argv, chdir, creates, executable, removes, stdin, stdin_add_newline, strip_empty_ends."}
I was unable to install a version that worked via apt so I am installing it via pip instead.
sudo pip install ansible==6.7.0 --break-system-packages
The VyOS team helpfully makes an Ansible git repo available to build the various images. We will use this to build our qemu image.
Get a copy of the Git repo by cloning it locally.
git clone
Change into directory
cd vyos-vm-images
The Ansible playbook tries to download an ISO as part of the build process. That step fails with the following error:
TASK [download-iso : Download VyOS ISO release] ************************************************************************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "dest": "/home/bradmin/vyos-1.4-rolling-202309070021-amd64-1.iso", "elapsed": 0, "msg": "Request failed", "response": "HTTP Error 403: Forbidden", "status_code": 403, "url": ""}
This is why we downloaded the ISO locally so we don't need it to perform this task. Let's comment out the download-iso role in the qemu.yml file.
- install-packages
# - download-iso
- mount-iso
Now run the playbook to build the image.
sudo ansible-playbook qemu.yml \
-e disk_size=10 \
-e iso_local=/tmp/vyos-1.4-rolling-202309070021-amd64.iso \
-e grub_console=serial \
-e cloud_init=true \
-e cloud_init_ds=NoCloud \
-e guest_agent=qemu \
-e enable_ssh=true
This will build a qemu image with cloud-init enabled and save it to the /tmp/ directory.
You can now use the image as a base to deploy VMs. I used SCP to transfer the image to my Proxmox hosts and will cover the process to deploy VMs from the image in a future post.
In this post, I showed you how to build a VyOS qemu image from the nightly ISO via ansible. If you have the same/similar goals that I did, I hope this post helped get you there faster than I did.