
This year I have been learning Rust, and I recently came across an excellent post by Tyler Christiansen (@supertylerc) who BTW, looks EXACTLY like Captain Jean-Luc Picard, comparing Python and Go. It's an excellent post (the second in the series) and well worth a read. I am on a similar journey from Python to Rust, so I decided to emulate the Go part of the blog post in Rust as a bit of a fun exersize on Easter Monday 🐇.

In this post, I will show you how to connect to the Pokemon API asynchronously to gather information on the first 150 Pokemon. Unlike in Tylers post, I will not be covering Python or a synchronous version of the Rust code.


The following software was used in this post.

  • Rust - 1.59.0
  • reqwest - 0.11
  • tokio - 1.12.0
  • futures - 0.3.21
  • serde - 1.0.136
  • serde_derive - 1.0.136
  • serde_json - 1.0.79

New Project

Use cargo to generate a new project.

cargo new pokemon


Add the following libraries to the dependencies section of the cargo.toml file.

reqwest = { version = "0.11", features = ["json"] }
tokio = { version = "1.12.0", features = ["full"] }
futures = "0.3.21"
serde = "1.0.136"
serde_derive = "1.0.136"
serde_json = "1.0.79"

Lets Get Rusty 🦀

I have placed comments in the following code block to try and explain what is going on and how it works. Admittedly, for some of the async code, I barely understand how it works myself.
use futures::StreamExt;
use reqwest::{Client, Error};
use serde_derive::Deserialize;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};

// The number of concurrent requests to execute.
const BUFFER_SIZE: usize = 50;

// Struct to hold the Pokemon data.
// The 'Deserialize' macro adds the 'Deserialize' trait to the struct.
struct Pokemon {
    // For the purpose of this exersize I am just capturing 
    // the 'id' and 'name' fields, all other fields will be ignored.
    id: u32,
    name: String,

// The '#[tokio::main]' annotation sets the 'main' function up for 
// asynchronous execution. 
async fn main() {
    // Start a timer
    let start = Instant::now();

    // Create a 'reqwest client' using the builder pattern.
    // This allows you to set things like the timeout, headers etc..
    let client = Client::builder()
        // Set the timeout value to 2 seconds.
        // Build the client.
        // If there are any errors, bail with the message 'got an error building client'
        .expect("got an error building client");

    // Create a vector of URLs to query consisting of the first 150 Pokemon.
    let urls = (1..=150).map(|x| format!("{}", x));

    // Here we get ready to asynchronously connect to the Pokemon API.
    // We start by creating a iterable 'stream' of 'futures' out of the 'urls' vector.
    let data: Vec<Result<String, Error>> = futures::stream::iter(urls)
        // 'StreamExt::map()' performs an action on each iteration of the 'stream'
        // and converts it to a new type.
        .map(|url| {
            // Create a new 'client' object from the original '&client' reference
            // that is enclosed in this scope.
            let client = &client;
            // Start an async block moving ownership of any captured varibales
            // into the block.
            async move {
                // Send a 'get' request to the 'url' and 'await' the response.
                let resp = client.get(url).send().await?;
                // Return the 'response text' as the 'String' portion of the
                // 'Result<String, Error>' type.
        // Kick of the requests asynchronously in batches equal to 'BUFFER_SIZE'.
        // Collect all the responses and add them to the 'data' vector.
        // Wait for all requests to finish.

    // Due to the asynchronous nature of the API calls, the responses are returned out of order.
    // I want to print the Pokemon out in the order of their ID's lowest to highest.
    // To do this, let's unpack the 'data: Vec<Result<String, Error>>' vector so we can deserialize
    // the 'response text' into our 'Pokemon' struct.
    // The 'pokemons: Vec<Pokemon>' vector needs to be mutable so we can sort it later.
    let mut pokemons: Vec<Pokemon> = data
        .map(|d| match d {
            Ok(v) => {
                // Unpack the 'Result<String, Error>' and deserialize the text into a Pokemon struct.
                // If there is an error, bail with the error message 'broken pokemon'
                let pokemon: Pokemon = serde_json::from_str(v).expect("broken pokemon");
                // Return the pokemon object
            // If any errors exist in 'Result<String, Error>', bail with the error message 'broken pokemon'
            Err(_) => panic!("pokemon broken"),
        // Collect all the Pokemon objects into the 'pokemons' vector.

    // Sort the pokemons vector by their id. We made 'pokemons' mutable 
    // so it can be sorted in place.

    // Iterate over the 'pokemons' vector to print the 'id' and 'name'.
    for p in pokemons {
        println!("{}: {}",,

    // Stop the timer
    let duration = start.elapsed();
    // Debug printing here ({:?}) to print out 'duration' for simplicity.
    println!("Time elapsed: {:?}", duration);

I hope you got all that. You still with me? Clear as mud? Good! Let's continue.

Now, use cargo to build a binary that is optimized for release with the --relase flag.

cargo build --release

The binary pokemon will be generated in the target/release directory.

Gotta Catch Em All

Alright, the moment of truth. Let's hit them so hard and fast they think their surrounded.


# Output
1: bulbasaur
2: ivysaur
. <output omitted>
149: dragonite
150: mewtwo
Time elapsed: 425.068076ms

Holy crab apples Batman, that was fast ⚡ 425.068076ms ⚡

<1 second is pretty darn good and the result is very close with the async Go version from Tylers post.

The results for all 898 Pokemon are around the 1.5 - 2 second mark. I updated the code to query the API in batches of 50 which seemed like a good sweet spot without overloading the API server.


# Output
1: bulbasaur
2: ivysaur
. <output omitted>
897: spectrier
898: calyrex
Time elapsed: 1.630966447s


In this post, I showed you how to connect to the Pokemon API asynchronously to gather information on the lovable Pokemon. This was a super fun exercise that allowed me to learned a lot about the Rust async model. Thanks again to @supertylerc for the inspiration. Peace out legends ✌️

# rust