
Integers represent whole numbers. Rust has both unsigned integers and signed integers. unsigned integers cannot be negative, and have a higher positive range than signed integers, that can be negative, but have a lower postive range.

The following table lists the integer literal types in Rust.

Length Unsigned Signed
8-bits u8 i8
16-bits u16 i16
32-bits u32 i32
64-bits u64 i64
128-bits u128 i128
CPU Architecture usize isize

The following table lists the formats that are supported for an integer literal definition.

Literal Example
Decimal 42
Hex 0x2a
Octal 0o52
Binary 0b101010
Byte (u8 only) b'Z'

Integer code examples

// i32 by default
let the_answser = 42;

// Annotate the type of integer
let dinner_for_two: i8 = 69;

// Integer suffixing is also supported for type annotation
let its_friday = 420u16; // => 420

// Underscores can help to improve readbility
let you_da_winnah = 1_16_32_5_12_19_40_i64; // => 116325121940

Integer Considerations

  • i32 is the default type if an integer does not include a type annotation.
  • The term u8 and byte are used interchangeably in the Rust community.
  • Underscores (_) can be used to improve the readability of an integer literal, they are ignored by the compiler. EG: 1_000_000


Floating points represent a number with a fractional component expressed in IEEE-754 format. Rust has two floating point types: f32 and f64 .

The following table list the floating point literal types and their bits of precision.

Precision Type
32-bits f32
64-bits f64

Float code examples

// f64 by default
let highly_sexual = 420.69;

// Annotate the type of float
let dinner_for_two: f32 = 69.69;

// Float suffixing is also supported for type annotation
let its_friday = 420.69f32; // => 420.69

// Underscores can help to improve readbility
let you_da_winnah = 420_69.1337_f64; // => 42069.1337

Float Considerations

  • f64 is the default type if a float does not include a type annotation.
  • A float requires a digit before the decimal place (.) in a float definition.
  • Underscores (_) can be used to improve the readability of a float literal, they are ignored by the compiler. EG: 420_69.1337
  • f64 can be slow on a 32-bit architecture.
# rust