
For a recent project, I wrote a backend web service in πŸ¦€ Rust πŸ¦€ using the web framework Axum. Rust code compiles to a binary for a specific architecture. This simplifies deployment as you don't need to rely on a runtime environment.

I had not previously used Gitlab CI for hosting binary artifacts and it was a bit less obvious than I thought it would be. In this post, I will show you how to write a Gitlab CI pipeline to build and release a Rust binary. Hopefully this will help you save a few pain cycles.

Config File

To utilise Gitlab CI, you need to create a file named .gitlab-ci.yml in the root of your project. This file contains the configuration for your CI pipeline. This pipeline is configured to execute when a commit is pushed to the default branch.


The CI pipeline is split into stages, with each stage containing a series of tasks to complete. Stages can run in parallel or sequentially depending on the configuration.

There are 4 stages in this pipeline.

  • prepare - Generate environment variables for future stages.
  • test - Execute tests.
  • build - Build the binary artifacts.
  • release - Create a release on Gitlab.

The pipeline stages and their dependencies can be visualise as follows:


Stages are defined using the stages keyword.

  - prepare
  - test
  - build
  - release
  stage: prepare
  stage: test
  stage: build
  stage: release
  stage: release

Each stage has one or more jobs. Jobs (named *-job here) are linked to the stage using the stage keyword.


The prepare stage is used to generate environment variables which will be used in future stages.

  stage: prepare
  image: rust
    - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG
      when: never # Do not run this job when a tag is created manually
    - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH # Run this job when commits are pushed or merged to the default branch
    - echo "======== PREPARE JOB ========"
    - echo "PKG_VERSION=$(awk -F ' = ' '$1 ~ /version/ { gsub(/["]/, "", $2); printf("%s",$2) }' Cargo.toml)" >> variables.env
    - echo "PKG_REGISTRY_URL=${CI_API_V4_URL}/projects/${CI_PROJECT_ID}/packages/generic" >> variables.env
    - echo $PKG_VERSION
      dotenv: variables.env

Points worth noting:

  • Uses the rust Docker image.
  • Extracts the project version number from the Cargo.toml file.
  • Generates the URL for the Gitlab package registry.
  • Writes the environment variables to a file named variables.env.
  • Exports the environment variables as an artifact that can be used in future stages.


The test stage is used to execute the projects test cases.

  stage: test
  image: rust
    - echo "======== TESTS JOB ========"
    - apt update
    - apt install lld clang -y
    - cargo test
My project uses the lld linker. This is not installed by default on the rust image. If you are using the default Rust image, you can remove the apt install command.


The build stage, is where we compile the Rust code into a binary. The binary is then exported as an artifact for use in future stages.

  stage: build
  image: ubuntu:20.04
    - job: tests-job
    - job: prepare-job
      artifacts: true
    - echo "======== BUILD JOB ========"
    - apt update
    - apt install lld clang curl -y
    - curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- -y
    - source "$HOME/.cargo/env"
    - cargo build --release
    - mkdir bin
    - mv target/release/asm-web bin/asm-web-v${PKG_VERSION}
    - ls -la bin/
      - bin/

Points worth noting:

  • Uses the ubuntu:20.04 Docker image as I need to compile to an older version of glibc and matches my target deployment OS version. Because of this, I also need to install lld and clang as well as rust.
  • Requries the prepare and test stages to complete before executing.
  • Uses the prepare stage artifact to extract the project version number.
  • Compiles the Rust code in --release mode into a binary.
  • Creates a directory named bin and moves the binary into it.
  • Exports the /bin directory as an artifact that can be used in future stages.


The release stage is how we publish our project and has 2 steps. The release-job and the upload-job.

From what I can tell, you cannot host binary assets in a release. This tripped me up, and took some time to find a solution. The solution turns out to be the Gitlab package registry. Binary assets are hosted in the projects package registry and NOT a release.

The release-job creates a release on Gitlab.

  stage: release
    - job: prepare-job
      artifacts: true
    - job: build-job
    - echo "======== RELEASE JOB ========"
    - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG
      when: never # Do not run this job when a tag is created manually
    - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH # Run this job when commits are pushed or merged to the default branch
    tag_name: "v$PKG_VERSION" 
    description: "Awesome Web v$PKG_VERSION"
    ref: "$CI_COMMIT_SHA" # The tag is created from the pipeline SHA.
        - name: "v$PKG_VERSION"
          url: "${PKG_REGISTRY_URL}/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/v${PKG_VERSION}/asm-web"

Points worth noting:

  • Uses the release-cli Docker image.
  • Depends on the prepare and build stages.
  • Creates a tag based on the Cargo.toml project version.
  • Creates a release named after the tag.
  • Creates a link to the binary hosted on the Package Registry.

The upload-job uploads the binary to the Gitlab package registry.

  stage: release
  image: curlimages/curl:latest
    - job: prepare-job
      artifacts: true
    - job: build-job
      artifacts: true
    - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG
      when: never # Do not run this job when a tag is created manually
    - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH # Run this job when commits are pushed or merged to the default branch
    - echo "======== UPLOAD JOB ========"
    - ls -la bin/
    - 'curl --header "JOB-TOKEN: ${CI_JOB_TOKEN}" --upload-file bin/asm-web-v${PKG_VERSION} ${PKG_REGISTRY_URL}/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/v${PKG_VERSION}/asm-web'

Points worth noting:

  • Uses the curl Docker image.
  • Depends on the prepare and build stages.
  • Creates an asset in the Package Registry based on the Cargo.toml project version.

For this project, I am using the generic package registry. The URL requires the format: /projects/:id/packages/generic/:package_name/:package_version/:file_name which is explained below.

  • id - The project ID. This can be found on the main project page.
  • package_name - The name of the package. In this case I am using x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu which matches the rust target.
  • package_version - The version of the package. This is extracted from the Cargo.toml file.
  • file_name - The name of the binary. In this case I am using asm-web.
If you don't follow the URL format, you will get errors. I ran into the {"error":"The provided content-type '' is not supported."} error which I found a bit cryptic.

Bonus Round

To download a binary from the Gitlab project registry via the API, we need to use a token. For my purpose, I am using a Project Access Token. Project access tokens require the read_api scope and at least the Reporter role.

These docs state that you can use a Deploy Token to download file from the Package Registry. This is NOT correct. You CAN use a Project Token. These docs state that: 'Deploy tokens can’t be used with the GitLab public API'. They also specify which other token types can be used.

The docs show a curl example. I am deploying via Ansible. So an example Ansible task is shown below.

    url: "{{ gitlab_project_id }}/packages/generic/{{ compilation_target }}/{{ binary_version }}/{{ binary_name }}"
      "PRIVATE-TOKEN": "{{ project_access_token }}"
    dest: "{{ app_config_dir }}/{{ binary_name }}"
    owner: root
    group: root
    mode: u=rx,g=rx,o=rx


As I get more familiar with Gitlab CI I will update this post with any improvements I make. Some things I would like to do are:

  • Create a custom docker image with all the tools I need installed. This will speed up the build process as I won't have to install the tools in every stage and build.
  • Rust can automatically build project documentation. I would like to add a stage to build the documentation and host it on Gitlab pages.


In this post I showed you how to write a Gitlab CI pipeline to build and release a Rust binary. This took me way longer than I thought it would, so if you are reading this, I hope you found it useful and helped you save some time. If you have suggestions and/or examples for improvements please hit me up via the links down there πŸ‘‡πŸΎ. Thanks for tuning in πŸ’–