updated: 21st of January 2019
published: 17th of November 2018
The Juniper operating system is known as Junos. The Juniper CLI is an application that is used to manage, monitor and configure Juniper devices. The CLI is full of great features to make managing them easier. This is a quick reference guide and not an exhaustive list of features. Seek the links section at the bottom of the post for more detailed references.
Junos has a number of CLI modes which can be identified by the current prompt.
Operational mode provides commands to monitor, manage and maintain Juniper devices.
Device configuration
Junos is built on top of BSD and the unix shell is available.
Junos commands are case sensitive.
show version # valid command
Show VERSION # not a valid command
Junos has a number of on board help options.
Question mark ? provides context sensitive Help
show ?
the Tab key completes keywords or shows possible completions for ambiguous commands.
vagrant@vsrx> s <Tab>
's' is ambiguous.
Possible completions:
save Save information to file
set Set CLI properties, date/time, craft interface message
show Show system information
ssh Start secure shell on another host
start Start shell
By default the Space key auto-completes commands in a similar way to Tab completion. This behaviour can be set as follows.
set cli complete-on-space (off | on)
Junos also has built in documentation.
The help reference commands provide documentation similar to Unix MAN pages.
help reference ospf area
The help apropos is used to search all keywords in the documentation or command descriptions.
help apropos users # show all commands with 'users' statements or 'users' in the description
There are a number of ways to alter the output of Junos commands
The Pipe | operator can be used to filter command outputs. Filters can also be chained together.
show config | display set | match security
The file command is used to manage files.
file show <location>
file copy /source-url/filename /destination/filename
file copy test.txt ftp://blah:blah@blah.com/some/directory/filename
Processes in Junos run in protected memory space called Daemons. Its possible to restart a misbehaving or failed process such as lldp . Processors are restarted from operational mode with the restart command.
restart lldpd-service <gracefully|immediately|soft>
The request command is used to restart modules or the device, upgrade software, cleanup storage, etc...
request system software add <package-name>
request system reboot
Log files are stored in the /var/log/ folder. Logs can be viewed with the show log command.
show log messages
The log files can be very long, view the last N number of messages by '|' piping to last <number of messages> .
show log messages | last 10
Junos has 3 configuration modes
There are two types of configuration syntax: Set and Stanza
set protocols lldp interface all
protocols {
lldp {
interface all;
Set commands can be pasted directly into configuration mode.
Stanza syntax needs to be entered using the load command. There are different methods of loading a stanza config.
When you first enter configuration mode you are at the top of the configuration hierarchy.
The prompt identifies which level of the hierarchy you are currently at.
[edit] # top of configuration hierarchy
vagrant@vsrx# edit interfaces ge-0/0/2
[edit interfaces ge-0/0/2] # interfaces > ge-0/0/2 configuration
Move up one level with the up command.
[edit interfaces ge-0/0/2] # interfaces > ge-0/0/2 configuration level
vagrant@vsrx# up
[edit interfaces] # interfaces configuration level
Move back to the top with the top command.
[edit interfaces ge-0/0/2] # interfaces > ge-0/0/2 configuration level
vagrant@vsrx# top
[edit] # top configuration level
Changes made to the configuration are placed in a staging area called a candidate configuration. Changes need to be committed to the running configuration before they take effect.
Junos has a built in syntax and configuration validator. Use the commit check command to validate all required commands are present and the syntax is correct.
The show | compare command will output a unix style diff outlining the changes that will be made to the running config if the candidate config is applied.
Candidate configuration is applied to the running config with the commit command.
An automatic rollback timer can be enabled using the commit confirmed <time-in-minutes> command. If the change is not confirmed within the time limit the config will be automatically rolled back to the previous config revision. This is very handy when applying changes on remote devices.
Comments can also be added to a commit using the commit comment command.
Config can be committed at a designated time using the commit at <time> command which is usefull for syncronizing commits.
The rollback command can be used to discard the current candidate config.
By default the last 50 configuration changes are stored on box. The show system commit command can be used to view them.
vagrant@vsrx> show system commit
0 2018-04-09 11:05:11 UTC by root via cli
1 2018-04-09 11:01:21 UTC by root via cli
2 2015-03-27 06:16:06 UTC by root via cli
3 2015-03-27 06:11:54 UTC by root via other
Rollback to a previous version of config with the rollback <revision-number> command. When rolling back to a previous configuration, it becomes the current candidate configuration and needs to be committed to be applied to the running configuration.
If the active config gets corrupted for some reason a file named rescue.gz in the /config/ directory will be loaded.
vagrant@vsrx> file copy /config/juniper.conf.gz /config/rescue.gz
The delete command can be used to remove a section of config.
delete interfaces ge-0/0/0
The deactivate command disable a section of config rather than delete it.
deactivate interfaces ge-0/0/0
The copy command can be used to copy a section of config.
copy interfaces ge-0/0/0 to ge-0/0/1
The rename command can be used to change a section of config.
rename interfaces ge-0/0/0 to ge-0/0/1
The insert command can be used to move a section of config to another place in the hierarchy.
insert term four before term two
The replace command can be used to override a pattern in the config.
replace pattern ge-0/0/0 with ge-0/0/1
The annotate command can be used to add comments to the running configuration.
Configuration groups allow you to apply common configurations to many places. For example access port share many common config elements, a config group can be used to apply the common elements to all access ports.
Where a group is applied in the configuration hierarchy matters, for example.
set groups SOME-GROUP some-configuration
set some-config-hierarchy SOME-GROUP
Junos is a very well thought out and operator friendly CLI. It has great features to make working with the CLI not so much of a chore as some other network products. Juniper also has a couple of great Day One books dedicated to operating the Juniper CLI which are well worth reading (and free) check out the links below to find them.