
This post has been in my drafts for a while, and its time to finish it off. Over the last couple of years I have been learning Go off and on. It was one of my goals for 2021 to learn Go well and I spent a fair amount of time digging into Go at the first half of this year.

I have decided to give up on Go and this post is a bit of a brain dump on what I liked/disliked about the language.


Go has a lot of pro's:

  • Batteries included standard library
  • Healthy package echosystem
  • Excellent docs
  • Lots of examples (blogs/stack overflow) out there
  • Compiles binaries to multiple OS's and CPU architectures with all dependencies included
  • Fast compilation, REALLY fast compared to some other compiled languages


None of these are show stoppers and more related to my personal feelings when I write Go code.

The main thing that I didn't really like about Go is the error handling model. Sometimes it feels like every second line of code is error handling related: if err != nil {} . If I never have to write this again it will be to soon.

Another thing was automatic export of capitalized names. Anything starting with a capital letter becomes exported. It's a nice shortcut, but it means you can't uppercase constants if you don't want them to be exported.

Finally, I don't really like camel case which is the convention in the Go ecosystem. I find it uncomfortable to read.

On the Plus Side

For my $JOB , I managed to get a pretty good package built. It would SSH to hundreds of network devices and collect a bunch of pre/post change baseline commands in under a couple of seconds. I had to run this on a Windows jump host where I could not install python (or any other) runtime. I was able to sneak my tiny executable onto the box to get what I needed. The cross compilation and bundled in dependency features of Go really helped here.

I did also learn some useful stuff (aside from Go itself) like:

  • The CSP concurrency model
  • The stack vs the heap
  • Behaviour based testing methodology
  • Avoiding premature optimization

All in all, not a wasted experience. I would recommend giving it a "Go" if you have the need/cycles.


Go is a fine language, I just don't really like it. To me personally, it feels more like a chore that I don't want to do and I get no joy from. For now, I am closing the book on Go.

# golang