
In this post I will cover how to create a Cisco ASAv Vagrant box for use with the vagrant-libvirt provider as well as enabling the REST API.

This post assumes a working installation of Vagrant with the vagrant-libvirt plugin already installed. You can follow this post to get the vagrant-libvirt plugin installed.

For reference the following software will be used in this post.

  • ASAv - asav992.qcow2
  • Vagrant - Vagrant 2.1.0
  • vagrant-libvirt - 0.0.43


Navigate to the Cisco software download page and download the asav992.qcow2 image. This image also contains the REST API plugin so there is no need to download that separately.

A valid support contract may be required to download the ASAv image. It is possible to download an ASAv image as part of a VIRL subscription. At the time of writing asav971.qcow2 is the latest VIRL version.


Create and change into directory for ASAv files. I like to keep my custom vagrant boxes under ~/vagrant/boxes/.

mkdir -p ~/vagrant/boxes/cisco/asav
cd ~/vagrant/boxes/cisco/asav

Copy the ASAv files downloaded earlier to the ~/vagrant/boxes/cisco/asav/ directory.

cp ~/Downloads/asav992.qcow2 .

The good folks who maintain the vagrant-libvirt plugin have a script can be used to convert qcow2 images to a vagrant box. Download the libvirt convertsion script.

curl -O

Use a text editor to create a bootstrap config named day0-config with the below contents that will be applied to the ASAv on first boot.

# day0-config

console serial
interface Management0/0
 nameif management
 security-level 0
 ip address dhcp
 no shutdown
hostname asav
username enable_1 privilege 15
username vagrant password vagrant privilege 15
aaa authentication ssh console LOCAL
aaa authentication http console LOCAL
aaa authorization exec LOCAL auto-enable
ssh version 2
crypto key generate rsa modulus 2048
ssh management
ssh key-exchange group dh-group14-sha1
http server enable
http management
domain-name lab.local
username vagrant attributes
  service-type admin
  ssh authentication publickey AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEA6NF8iallvQVp22WDkTkyrtvp9eWW6A8YVr+kz4TjGYe7gHzIw+niNltGEFHzD8+v1I2YJ6oXevct1YeS0o9HZyN1Q9qgCgzUFtdOKLv6IedplqoPkcmF0aYet2PkEDo3MlTBckFXPITAMzF8dJSIFo9D8HfdOV0IAdx4O7PtixWKn5y2hMNG0zQPyUecp4pzC6kivAIhyfHilFR61RGL+GPXQ2MWZWFYbAGjyiYJnAmCP3NOTd0jMZEnDkbUvxhMmBYSdETk1rRgm+R4LOzFUGaHqHDLKLX+FIPKcF96hrucXzcWyLbIbEgE98OHlnVYCzRdK8jlqm8tehUc9c9WhQ==
rest-api image boot:/asa-restapi-132300-lfbff-k8.SPA
rest-api agent

Create an ISO named day0.iso with the genisoimage command that contains the day0-config file created earlier. This ISO will be mounted on boot and the bootstrap configuration will be applied automagically.

genisoimage -r -o day0.iso day0-config

# output

I: -input-charset not specified, using utf-8 (detected in locale settings)
Total translation table size: 0
Total rockridge attributes bytes: 252
Total directory bytes: 0
Path table size(bytes): 10
Max brk space used 0
176 extents written (0 MB

Launch the Cisco ASAv VM.

virt-install \
    --connect=qemu:///system \
    --network network=vagrant-libvirt,model=virtio \
    --name=asav \
    --cpu host \
    --arch=x86_64 \
    --machine=pc-1.0 \
    --vcpus=1 \
    --ram=2048 \
    --os-type=linux \
    --noacpi \
    --virt-type=kvm \
    --watchdog i6300esb,action=reset \
    --disk path=asav992.qcow2,format=qcow2,device=disk,bus=virtio,cache=writethrough \
    --disk path=day0.iso,format=iso,device=cdrom \
    --graphics none \

You will be automatically connected to the console.

# output

WARNING  CDROM media does not print to the text console by default, so you likely will not see text install output. You might want to use --location. See the man page for examples of using --location with CDROM media

Starting install...
Creating domain...                                                                                                                                                           |    0 B  00:00:03
Connected to domain asav
Escape character is ^]
loader: Platform type set to default
Platform ASAv
Trustpoint CA certificate accepted.
User enable_1 logged in to asa
Logins over the last 1 days: 1.
Failed logins since the last login: 0.
Type help or '?' for a list of available commands.

Check the IP address assigned via DHCP.

show int ip brie

# output

Interface                  IP-Address      OK? Method Status                Protocol
Management0/0      YES DHCP   up                    up

From your host terminal confirm you can SSH to the ASAv with the vagrant SSH key.

# host terminal

ssh vagrant@ -i ~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key

# now in ASAv VM

User vagrant logged in to asav
Logins over the last 1 days: 1.
Failed logins since the last login: 0.
Type help or '?' for a list of available commands.
asav# exit

Now confirm you can access the ASAv via the REST API.

# host terminal

curl -k https://vagrant:vagrant@

# output


If you successfully connected, exit and power off the VM.

To exit the console use one of these key combinations (Assuming English keyboard).

  • CTRL + ]
  • CTRL + 5
  • Press and hold CTRL and SHIFT while pressing 6 then ]

Now power off the VM.

virsh destroy asav

# output

Domain asav destroyed

Create a file called metadata.json with the following contents.


Use the previously downloaded script to create a vagrant box.

bash asav992.qcow2

# output

==> Creating box, tarring and gzipping
Total bytes written: 226959360 (217MiB, 21MiB/s)
==> created
==> You can now add the box:
==>   'vagrant box add --name asav992'

Create a metadata file called asav.json so that the box is added with the correct version number.

  "name": "cisco/asav",
  "description": "Cisco ASAv",
  "versions": [
      "version": "9.9.2",
      "providers": [
          "name": "libvirt",
          "url": "file:///home/bradmin/vagrant/boxes/cisco/asav/"

Add the box to Vagrant.

vagrant box add asav.json

# output

==> box: Loading metadata for box 'asav.json'
    box: URL: file:///home/bradmin/vagrant/boxes/cisco/asav/asav.json
==> box: Adding box 'cisco/asav' (v9.9.2) for provider: libvirt
    box: Unpacking necessary files from: file:///home/bradmin/vagrant/boxes/cisco/asav/
==> box: Successfully added box 'cisco/asav' (v9.9.2) for 'libvirt'!

Confirm the box was added successfully

vagrant box list

# output

CumulusCommunity/cumulus-vx          (libvirt, 3.4.2)
arista/veos                          (libvirt, 4.20.1F)
cisco/asav                           (libvirt, 9.9.2)

cisco/csr1000v                       (libvirt, 03.15.00.S-155-2-S)
cisco/iosv                           (libvirt, 15.6-1-T)


Now that we have the box installed lets create a Vagrantfile and confirm we can build VM's with Vagrant.

Create a test directory.

mkdir ~/asav-test
cd ~/asav-test

Add a Vagrantfile to the test directory with the following contents

# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
  config.vm.define "fw01" do |node| = "cisco/asav"

    # Turn off shared folders
    node.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", disabled: true

    # Do not try to insert new SSH key
    node.ssh.insert_key = false

    # Give VM time to boot
    node.vm.boot_timeout = 180

    # Set guest type to prevent guest type detection
    node.vm.guest = :freebsd

    # Provider-specific configuration
    node.vm.provider :libvirt do |domain|
      domain.nic_adapter_count = 8
      domain.memory = 2048
      domain.cpus = 1
      domain.driver = "kvm"

Now vagrant up and confirm you can login.

vagrant up

# output

Bringing machine 'fw01' up with 'libvirt' provider...
==> fw01: Checking if box 'cisco/asav' is up to date...
==> fw01: Creating image (snapshot of base box volume).
==> fw01: Creating domain with the following settings...
==> fw01:  -- Name:              asav_fw01
==> fw01:  -- Domain type:       kvm
==> fw01:  -- Cpus:              1
==> fw01:
==> fw01:  -- Feature:           acpi
==> fw01:  -- Feature:           apic
==> fw01:  -- Feature:           pae
==> fw01:  -- Memory:            2048M
==> fw01:  -- Management MAC:
==> fw01:  -- Loader:
==> fw01:  -- Base box:          cisco/asav
==> fw01:  -- Storage pool:      default
==> fw01:  -- Image:             /var/lib/libvirt/images/asav_fw01.img (9G)
==> fw01:  -- Volume Cache:      default
==> fw01:  -- Kernel:
==> fw01:  -- Initrd:
==> fw01:  -- Graphics Type:     vnc
==> fw01:  -- Graphics Port:     -1
==> fw01:  -- Graphics IP:
==> fw01:  -- Graphics Password: Not defined
==> fw01:  -- Video Type:        cirrus
==> fw01:  -- Video VRAM:        9216
==> fw01:  -- Sound Type:
==> fw01:  -- Keymap:            en-us
==> fw01:  -- TPM Path:
==> fw01:  -- INPUT:             type=mouse, bus=ps2
==> fw01: Creating shared folders metadata...
==> fw01: Starting domain.
==> fw01: Waiting for domain to get an IP address...
==> fw01: Waiting for SSH to become available...
==> fw01: Configuring and enabling network interfaces...

Confirm you can login to the box.

# Host terminal

vagrant ssh

# Now in vagrant box terminal

User vagrant logged in to asav
Logins over the last 1 days: 7.  Last login: 10:16:37 UTC May 7 2018 from
Failed logins since the last login: 0.
Type help or '?' for a list of available commands.
asav# show version

Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Software Version 9.9(2)
Firepower Extensible Operating System Version 2.3(1.84)
Device Manager Version 7.9(2)

Compiled on Sun 25-Mar-18 17:32 PDT by builders
System image file is "boot:/asa992-smp-k8.bin"
Config file at boot was "startup-config"

asav up 1 min 37 secs

Hardware:   ASAv, 2048 MB RAM, CPU Xeon 5600 series 2393 MHz,
Model Id:   ASAv10
Internal ATA Compact Flash, 8192MB
Slot 1: ATA Compact Flash, 8192MB
BIOS Flash Firmware Hub @ 0x0, 0KB

 0: Ext: Management0/0       : address is 5254.0017.5463, irq 10

License mode: Smart Licensing
ASAv Platform License State: Unlicensed
No active entitlement: no feature tier and no throughput level configured
*Memory resource allocation is more than the permitted limit.

Licensed features for this platform:
Maximum VLANs                     : 50
Inside Hosts                      : Unlimited
Failover                          : Active/Standby
Encryption-DES                    : Enabled
Encryption-3DES-AES               : Enabled
Security Contexts                 : 0
Carrier                           : Disabled
AnyConnect Premium Peers          : 2
AnyConnect Essentials             : Disabled
Other VPN Peers                   : 250
Total VPN Peers                   : 250
AnyConnect for Mobile             : Disabled
AnyConnect for Cisco VPN Phone    : Disabled
Advanced Endpoint Assessment      : Disabled
Shared License                    : Disabled
Total TLS Proxy Sessions          : 2
Botnet Traffic Filter             : Enabled
Cluster                           : Disabled

Serial Number: 9A73HB13VFB

Image type          : Release
Key version         : A

Configuration has not been modified since last system restart.

We can build and login to the box with Vagrant. Lastly, let clean up a bit.

# back in host shell

vagrant destroy -f

# output

==> fw01: Removing domain...

Remove the original KVM image.

rm -f asav.qcow2
virsh undefine asav

# output

Domain asav has been undefined


The Cisco ASAv qemu image was successfully converted to a Vagrant libvirt box with the REST API enabled. Without a license what you can do is limited, but there is still enough functionality to get value from the platform. If you have a licensing contract, more power to you. Now go out there and automate the stuffing out of it.