published: 5th of January 2021
Friendly ID, is a ruby gem that makes adding slugs to your Rails records painless giving you nice human readible URI's. Instead of accessing URI's by their database ID: /site/23 they are accessed via /site/hogwarts instead. Much better.
In this post I will show you how to add Friendly ID to your Rails 6 app.
Add the friendly_id gem to your Gemfile .
# Gemfile
gem 'friendly_id', '~> 5.4.0'
Install the gem with the bundle command.
bundle install
Add a slug field to the required tables.
rails generate migration AddSlugToSites slug:uniq
This will create a db/migrate/<timestamp>_add_slug_to_sites.rb file.
Use the friendly_id generator to create the configuration files.
rails generate friendly_id
This creates two files
friendly_id.rb is used to customize the Friendly ID install. This works out of the box and no changes arr required.
<timestamp>_create_friendly_id_slugs.rb Creates a history table of model slugs. This is used in the event a slug is changed the resource can still be found via the old slug thus avoiding broken URLs.
This feature has a storage and performance impact so if you dont need this for your app, you can delete this migration file.
Apply the database migration.
rails db:migrate
Configure your model to use friendly_id.
# app/models/site.rb
class User < ApplicationRecord
extend FriendlyId
friendly_id :code, use: :slugged
Configure your controller to fetch records using the friendly_id .
# app/controllers/sites_controller.rb
class SiteController < ApplicationController
def show
# @site = Site.find(params[:id]) # << old
@site = Site.friendly.find(params[:id]) # << new
Alternately, if you use a private method to access individual records you might use something like the below.
# app/controllers/sites_controller.rb
class SiteController < ApplicationController
before_action :set_site, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy]
def show
def set_site
# @site = Site.find(params[:id]) # << old
@site = Site.friendly.find(params[:id]) # << new
If you already have records in your table, update them with a friendly_id from the rails console .
# in rails console
Finally, because we added an initializer, a restart of the server is required.
Go to a resources URI and confirm you can access the record. IE: http://<hostname>/site/hogwarts
In this post we added Friendly URI slugs to our Rails 6 app using the Friendly ID gem. Maximo Leviato!!!