published: 31st of December 2020
2020. WAS. A. SHIT. SHOW. Thank you global pandemic. /RANT
At the start of the year I set myself a few goals outlined in this post. Some went to plan, some did not. Head down below for a recap.
I was committed to continuing the healthy lifestyle and I definitely stuck to this one. Between working out at home, hitting the gym once covid restrictions ended and riding a road bike I had a good year of exercise.
During my last body scan on the 2020/10/03 my levels were looking great. My weight was 72.1 kgs. Muscle mass was up and body fat was down. I was at 13.2% body fat at that point. Not bad considering I was 18.9 on 2020/02/02. My next scan is at the end of January so I will update this post once I get those results.
With all that went on this year, I am really thankful to have my kids around safe and healthy. We ended up working from home for most of the year and that gave me heaps and heaps of time back to spend with the family.
Due to travel restrictions, I could not get interstate to see my parents, siblings and extended family. This was especially hard when my Grandmother passed away (not of covid) and we could not travel to say our farewells or attend the funeral. We also had to cancel our Christmas holiday at the last minute due to covid. I am hoping to get to see them in the next month or two fingers crossed.
I didn't read or listen to many books this year. For most of the year I could not concentrate on anything other than family, exercise and work. I just had no motivation for it. I didnt travel in the car alot and when I was working out I had music on full blast. They are the times I most listen to audiobooks. Check out this post for a list of the books I did get through.
A big fat donought.
I did spend a bit of time learning Golang again. I have a couple of projects in the pipeline that I hope to open source next year that are written in Go.
Another donought with sprinkles on top. It was a strech goal :)
Not a whole lot really. I started riding a road bike. I have really taken a shine to it and will keep doing that as a major part of my exercise routine.
I got a new job a couple of weeks ago and I am starting that at the end of January 2021.
2020 was shizer. But it was worse for alot of people. I dont know anyone that was sick or died from covid. I managed to keep my job throughout the year. I stayed fit and healthy and didn't put on 1 trillion lockdown kilos. Let hope 2021 is better for eveyone. Stay healthy Yall!! PEACE OUT <3